Family of eight aided

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The open hearts and ears of visitors from the St. Vincent DePaul Society at St. Francis of Assisi Church match the needs of their neighbors.

In a recent case, a mother of three called for help paying utility bills.  The SVdP visitor found that the 32-year-old woman also was caring for an additional four children—two nieces and two nephews. 

She got behind in her bills when she lost her job because she was unable to work after her teenage son was murdered. She also lost a house to fire in the recent past.   Before these unexpected tragedies, the woman was a community activist and provided meals to those in need in her neighborhood. 

After several phone calls and a home visit, SVdP was able to help pay her past-due utility bills and give her a Walmart gift card so that she could purchase food and clothes for the children.  She also has applied for a cleaning job at a local hospital.  The seven children were added to the Christmas Giving Tree Wish List for 2024 at St. Francis of Assisi.