Getting by with Some Help from Friends.

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Help comes in many forms from the volunteers at St. Vincent de Paul.  Often, it involves some tender, loving care in addition to a donation.

A woman with disabilities in her late 80’s called SVdP after she was evicted, and the sheriff had already padlocked her apartment.

She was a professional in her day but exhausted all her savings and was living only on Social Security. The leasing agent was sympathetic to her situation and allowed her to return to her apartment during the day to go through her many belongings.

An SVdP member offered many boxes from his business and eight Vincentians, and some spouses, went to the apartment and packed up as many of her belongings as they could.

The woman was able to stay temporarily at a friend’s apartment, and SVdP paid her outstanding electric bill so that she could someday rent again. 

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