A Mother In Need

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A 41-year-old mother working full time got a month behind in rent when she had to take
unpaid family leave to care for her father who had emergency heart surgery and follow-
up therapy.
The neighbor had eight days to pay off the rent or it would double, making it impossible
for her to catch up.
The neighbor prayed together with the SVdP volunteers and trusted it would all work
out. It did—with financial help from St. Francis of Assisi and Our Lady of Lourdes SVdP
The mother is back to work, and her father will move into her apartment in September,
enabling him to help with the rent.
SVdP provided the financial bridge she needed to help her through a tough time. She
has been taking care of her family, which includes three sons.
The mother was so grateful for the support from SVdP that she promised to pray for the
organization’s ability to help others.

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