Serving with Heart, Offering Hope
If you need help, please call our helpline at (919) 534-4842.
Our news
Lights, heat on!
A single mother of two ran into trouble when she thought she had signed up for automatic payment on her utility bill. She was under financial stress and trying to get back on track with her rent and car payment and thought her electricity was paid. Unfortunately, her electric bill was not covered. The power…
Getting by with Some Help from Friends.
Help comes in many forms from the volunteers at St. Vincent de Paul. Often, it involves some tender, loving care in addition to a donation. A woman with disabilities in her late 80’s called SVdP after she was evicted, and the sheriff had already padlocked her apartment. She was a professional in her day but exhausted all her…
Hope when locked out
A 33-year-old mother of four was recently evicted from her apartment after she lost her job and the ability to pay her rent. The father of the children is incarcerated and unable to support the family. The landlord locked her out before the sheriff could, and, as a result, she lost most of her children’s…
We All Need that Extra Chance
Another instance where SVdP helped involved a widow with five children. She worked as a temporary administrative assistant at a local state agency but was released after 11 months because the job was classified as temporary. She was hired to assume a permanent position within the same agency because of the excellent recommendations she received,…
A Light Shines in the Darkness
Volunteer visitors from the St. Vincent de Paul Society put their hearts into helping neighbors. When members of the Brown Bag ministry at St. Francis found that a gentleman in the senior apartments they served was in trouble, they contacted SVdP. Visitors learned from a social worker the neighbor had fallen several times in the…
Family of eight aided
The open hearts and ears of visitors from the St. Vincent DePaul Society at St. Francis of Assisi Church match the needs of their neighbors. In a recent case, a mother of three called for help paying utility bills. The SVdP visitor found that the 32-year-old woman also was caring for an additional four children—two…
Inspiring neighbor
Help with rent A 30-year-old single woman needed assistance with her October rent after extensive emergency car repairs put her behind on her rent and utility payments. She worked full-time and sought as many extra hours as possible to catch up, plus she had a second job. She was able to work on a payment…
A Mother In Need
A 41-year-old mother working full time got a month behind in rent when she had to take unpaid family leave to care for her father who had emergency heart surgery and follow-up therapy.The neighbor had eight days to pay off the rent or it would double, making it impossiblefor her to catch up.The neighbor prayed…
Easter Reflections
Today as we celebrate the feast of Easter we find the challenge of also seeing and believing the resurrection that comes through our own lives of self-sacrifice which brings new life to others. The volunteers at SVdP work diligently to provide a sign of God’s love to those who are suffering and provide them with…
How can we help?
In the Gospel Jesus is transfigured and a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased: Listen to him.” The St. Vincent de Paul Society helps us listen to Jesus when he asks us to take care of our brothers and sisters who are suffering. The neighbors helped…