
Go to the Poor and you will find God

-St Vincent

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul welcomes “all who wish to live their faith by loving and serving their neighbor.”

Change Your Life By Helping Others

Saint Vincent de Paul members are highly motivated and thoughtful individuals, committed to providing the needs of others.  and making a lasting difference in their lives. We are neighbors helping neighbors.  If you have a few hours a month or a week that you can volunteer, you will discover why Our People Are Great, Our Mission is a Privilege and Our Work is a Joy.  Consider your future working with us. “A life that includes helping  others is a life worthwhile.”

Connect with us now to talk about how to make a difference in your community

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I help?

Our organization is always in need of assistance! Our largest need is always visitors to assist in meeting and working with our neighbors in need. However, there are a variety of other roles and ways you can help!

Do you have a listing of open positions?

Yes! You can find our current list of openings and needs below.

How often do you meet?

We meet formally every two weeks on Monday nights, alternating between in person and virtual sessions. In addition, there will be some time requirements for visiting neighbors, and working on your projects.

Is there a financial commitment required?

No! We value the time, talent and treasure of our membership, and if you feel called to serve by providing your time and talent, we would love to have you!

Our Needs:

These are the current needs of our organization. If you can help, please reach out! We provide training:

Intake Caller Specialists – A person periodically assigned to check phone line and
call back Neighbors in need to get initial information.

Visitors – Teams of two visit Neighbors in need to understand their need and
recommend a way forward for them.

Communications – Individual with passion for Facebook and Instagram to keep our
social media current

Resource Coordinators – Update our resource sheets and keep them current

Officers – President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary

Still seeking answers?

Contact Us