How can we help?

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In the Gospel Jesus is transfigured and a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased: Listen to him.” 

The St. Vincent de Paul Society helps us listen to Jesus when he asks us to take care of our brothers and sisters who are suffering.

The neighbors helped by SVdP are usually the working poor.  People who can make ends meet until an unexpected event—a funeral, a car needing service, an injury or sickness.

Here are some ways SVdP helped those in need celebrate the grace of God’s love in February: 

  • A 52-year-old woman was able to pay her rent as well as her electric bill with help from SVdP and other churches.  The case for the neighbor took patience because one church didn’t get the pledge in on time, so the landlord refused to accept the checks from the others.  The neighbor advocated on her own behalf and was able to resolve the situation.
    • A 63-year-old woman who injured her Achilles tendon and was off work fell behind on rent.  SVdP and the North Raleigh Christian Church helped her catch up.  She is now on Social Security and will be able to meet her financial obligations.
    • A woman with a nine-year-old daughter received a five-day notice of eviction proceedings. She is unemployed and in training for a new job.  She paid part of her electric bill and SVdP and another agency were able to help her pay the rest.
    • A single mother with a 15-year-old daughter was unable to work after she was injured by a falling tree.  SVdP assisted   with her electric and water bill.
    • A 27-year-old mother with a 10-year-old autistic daughter works two jobs to make ends meet after her husband left.  Her car broke down, and she had to get a new one.  She fell behind on rent and faced certain eviction.  Donations from several agencies, including SVdP, Doorway to Hope, and Crosspointe, helped prevent the loss of their home.

Is there a neighbor or friend of yours who is in temporary need because of a loss of a job or an illness?  Please leave a message for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at 919-534-484…we want to help!